Ready to Level-Up Your Wellness Business With Our  COPYWRITING & WEB DESIGN Services ? 

Website Design & Copywriting

Your website can be a powerful asset that brings you leads & revenue... when it's done right.

Our package includes the complete design of a beautiful & effective website & sales page; all the copy (the words) written by expert health & wellness copywriters; and a lead magnet & funnel created for you so you can grow your email list. 

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Sales Page Design & Copywriting

Your sales page is the “make or break” page on your website. It’s where you send interested peeps to check out your services or programs. 

And if the words on it don’t resonate deeply with your ideal client, then they are NOT going to sign up to work with you.

We see so many blah sales pages full of missed opportunities and piles of money left on the table. And worse, ideal clients left struggling without the solution they so desperately want to find.

It’s your duty to have an amazing sales page! So, let us write it for you!!

Click to learn more (opens are google doc)


Lead Magnet & Email Nurture Series

If you want to grow a list of ideal clients who want to buy from you, then you need a juicy, high converting Lead Magnet (a freebie) and a series of persuasively written emails that prime them to buy!

We will design your lead magnet, write your emails and your landing page and (if you like) even set it up for you!

Click to learn more (opens are google doc)


Prefer to DIY with Our Templates?

We have partnered with our preferred website & funnel builder to create 4 gorgeous website templates complete with: Home Page, Sales Page, Lead Magnet Landing Page, Webinar Registration Page, Course & Program Pages, Store Page & more!

Every page includes copy templates so all you need to do is fill the blanks & add your own images!

It's the next best thing to having us write the copy for you!


"This was the BEST value for money. I could never have produced a website like this for myself and definitely not in that time frame and with all the links etc working. Absolutely love it. Ready to hit the ground running!!!

– Nicola, Nicola Jane Wellness


Step One 

Click on the Learn More Buttons above to open our Websites 4 Wellness Services document & read all about the packages we offer. Purchase your package & then sit back & relax!
Email us if you have any questions at [email protected]

Step Two

We send you a detailed form to complete with all the information about you, your ideal clients & your services. We then jump onto a zoom call with you to make sure we have everything we need to start writing & designing your project!

Step Three

We write all your copy & share it with you for feedback along the way. We then design your gorgeous website, add in your approved copy and images, connect your email software, integrate your payment systems and make sure everything is working!